Neem Rich Neem Equine Spray 750ml
Brand: Neem Rich
- Great for Rain Scald, Sweet Itch, cuts
- All natural eco-friendly spray for your horse
- 100% Pure Neem seed oil
- Will help keep away flies, fleas and ticks
- will calm skin and help repair cuts
Help your horse maintain its high standard of health and wellbeing by using our Neem Equine Spray; It is all natural cold pressed Neem Seed oil with plant oils as a wetting agent and purified water; Simple to use - just spray on affected areas such as Qld itch, rain scald, any bites or cuts; Neem is non toxic to animals, birds and bees as well as us humans; Neem is anti-inflammatory, anitbacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal; Will help calm inflamed skin and help keep away those wretched flies that pester the life out of them; once finished just
EAN: 0080687362097
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